Alfa real estate on TV

Alfa real estate on TV

Popular American TV show “House Hunters International” has been aired in USA, recorded in Croatia in Vodice, with Croatian company ALFA  NEKRETNINE.

Popular TV show “House Hunters International” airs on HGTV channel (Home and Garden Television) in USA in which a real estate agent leads a potential buyer   through three properties. This show is broadcast in over 100 countries and follows buyers through their search for a new home in countries around the world, with assistance of a realtor. Every show is filmed in various parts of the world, promoting the state and the place where the shooting took place.


ALFA NEKRETNINE (Alfa Real Estate Agency) was selected by the American production for shooting the episode in Vodice. The filming, with a professional HGTV’s camera, took place during summer 2011, and completed episode was presented in USA for the first time in the late October 2011. Everything is done in English, because this show is made exclusively for the U.S. market. Since then, it has been brodcasting every two or three months on the same chanel, and some European TV broadcasters have already taken the same show. For now it is not shown on Croatian television. There is next date of airing on official web site HGTV

In each episode viewers are getting to know the client who usually knows what he wants, but has difficulties in finding desired property. In House Hunters International, client is not trying to buy property in his homeland, but in different, often very far away and exotic, his favourite country and place. Client visits the properties on the show and shares his opinion and fears about each inspected property with a real estate agent. The show gives to viewers the ability to understand better and feel whole adventure in searching for the ideal property.

Company ALFA NEKRETNINE is proud and honoured to be selected by the production of “House Hunters International” for participating and for filming the episode in Vodice. This show, which reaches more than 90 million viewers worldwide, is an excellent opportunity not only to show properties in this area, but also to promote the beauty of the Croatian Adriatic Sea, and the town of Vodice.